71% Blue

About Us

Creators: Paula Hsiao, Claire Chung, Sammi Shih, and Yujinia Wang
Special thanks to Mr. Pilon, who taught us code and helped us debug problems.

This is our project for our Informational Technology class. We were told to create a website that solves a problem using the HTML and CSS code we were taught. The idea of doing our project on the deteriorating conditions of marine life intrigued us immediately because you would think that people would know about and be more aware of what is happening to the ocean since it is something we have all known since we were little, little kids.

However, since it is such a stable and steadfast part of our lives, we assume it will be there forever, but the reality of the situation is that since we assume it is going to be there forever, we reap as much as we want from the ocean, not thinking about the toll it is taking on the ocean.

Paula Hsiao
Claire Chung
Sammi Shih
Yujinia Wang